Our 300th Anniversary: Invite, Participate, and Celebrate
At our retreat at Cross Roads, the Church Council decided that three themes will guide our work and ministry during our anniversary year. Those themes will be invite, participate, and celebrate. All three are major themes found in the Bible and all three are connected. The journey of faith always begins with an invitation, that invitation leads to participation, and that participation leads to celebration.
INVITE: John 1:46 – “Philip said to him, “Come and see.”
The journey begins with an invitation. This year, we are asking people to invite others to the life of faith. That invitation can be to worship, but it can also be one to the Book of Faith or Women of Zion or VBS or a Parish Life event. What is important is the invitation, “come and see.” God will take care of the rest. In our own journey, I’m sure we can remember someone who extended an invitation to us into the larger life of faith. This year, we are asking you to do the inviting.
PARTICIPATE: Luke 9:23 – The Jesus said to them all, “If any want to become my follow- ers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.”
The journey of faith is not a spectator sport. Jesus makes that very clear. Following Jesus is about participation. This year, we are asking people to find ways to participate in the life and ministry of Zion. The opportunities are there. Do you want to serve? Do you want to study? Do you want to worship? Do you want to sing? Do you want to join others? There are opportunities each and every week. This anniversary year, in particular, there will be additional ways to participate.
CELEBRATE: John 10:10 – “I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.”
The journey of faith leads to celebration. At times, the journey can be demanding and challenging, but the witness of the church is that everyone who makes the journey would not have it any other way. The journey is a joy. I am coming to understand that witness. Some of the greatest joys of my life are connected to my faith journey`. A short list includes preaching the gospel, bringing that tractor trailer of goods to Slidell, LA, baptizing the children of our congregation, serving food at Faith Kitchen, rejoicing with our young people at the National Youth Gathering, singing with the students at Matheny, and wrestling with the faith with our confirmation class. I have tasted that abundant life and I invite others to come, participate, and know that joy.
Pastor Summer
Since most visitors come to a new church because they were invited by a friend or neighbor, the Evangelism committee is asking for your help. In addition to giving you invitations for special events to hand out to friends and neighbors throughout the year, we will also make Zion “business cards” available to you. Look for them soon in the rear of the sanctuary and pick up a few to carry with you. You never know when an opportunity may arise to evangelize and extend an invitation.
In conjunction with that thought, I felt it appropriate to reprint an excerpt from last year’s Jan/Feb/Mar edition of The Word In Season Daily Devotions that stood out in my mind enough to save it. Here it is:
Those who go out weeping, bearing the seeds for sowing, shall come home with shouts of joy, carrying their sheaves. Psalm 126:6
The title that my Bible gives for this psalm is “A Harvest of Joy.” Rarely do we think about harvesting joy. What would those seeds and then sheaves look like for you? There is a peculiar thing that happens in harvesting joy. In order to harvest joy for ourselves, we need to sow the plant of joy in others. Think about it. You spend a day smiling and saying “Hello” to people and you will brighten their day, and in return you feel great about your day.
We need more joy in our world today. It is our challenge to go out and find ways to plant the seeds and harvest the sheaves.
Living Stewardship
Cheerful Giving
In my last article I challenged you to give your $300 pledge increase in January in order to be a First Fruits Giver. Did you? How did that make you feel? There are many reasons we give to the church. We feel an obligation. We respond in thanks to what we’ve been given. We know the good our gifts will accomplish. But giving to the church also makes us feel good.
There is a song I taught years ago in VBS called, “God Loves a Cheerful Giver.” “Give it all you’ve got! He loves to see you laughing when you’re in an awkward spot.” God doesn’t want us to be miserable. And he doesn’t want to hear us grumbling as we write out our offering checks. I’ve been watching recently (pretty tough to do while singing the choir anthem, but I’ve had help from the ushers!) and I haven’t seen any scowls as people put their offering in the plate. This is a “feel good” moment!
And what about giving our time joyfully? Yes, there are times when we’ve said we would do something and then dreaded going to that work day or didn’t feel like leaving the comfort of home to attend an evening meeting. But how many times have you heard someone say, or even said yourself, “I get back so much more than what I give?”
So here’s my challenge to you this month. Be a Cheerful Giver. Put a smile on your face when you write the check and when you place it in the offering plate. When the frown starts at the thought of preparing the Sunday School lesson or of making the extra food for IHN, stop, smile, and think how much both you and God are loving your gifts.
Note: 2013 year-end contribution statements are in the back of the church. Please pick yours up for inclusion in your 2013 tax filings.
Offering envelopes for 2014 may also be found in the back of the church.
In my last article I challenged you to give your $300 pledge increase in January in order to be a First Fruits Giver. Did you? How did that make you feel? There are many reasons we give to the church. We feel an obligation. We respond in thanks to what we’ve been given. We know the good our gifts will accomplish. But giving to the church also makes us feel good.
There is a song I taught years ago in VBS called, “God Loves a Cheerful Giver.” “Give it all you’ve got! He loves to see you laughing when you’re in an awkward spot.” God doesn’t want us to be miserable. And he doesn’t want to hear us grumbling as we write out our offering checks. I’ve been watching recently (pretty tough to do while singing the choir anthem, but I’ve had help from the ushers!) and I haven’t seen any scowls as people put their offering in the plate. This is a “feel good” moment!
And what about giving our time joyfully? Yes, there are times when we’ve said we would do something and then dreaded going to that work day or didn’t feel like leaving the comfort of home to attend an evening meeting. But how many times have you heard someone say, or even said yourself, “I get back so much more than what I give?”
So here’s my challenge to you this month. Be a Cheerful Giver. Put a smile on your face when you write the check and when you place it in the offering plate. When the frown starts at the thought of preparing the Sunday School lesson or of making the extra food for IHN, stop, smile, and think how much both you and God are loving your gifts.
Note: 2013 year-end contribution statements are in the back of the church. Please pick yours up for inclusion in your 2013 tax filings.
Offering envelopes for 2014 may also be found in the back of the church.
Christian Education
Winter Sunday School is well under way. We are continuing to use our new curriculum called Gospel Light. We will be sending out a survey in February to all of the Sunday School families requesting input on the new materials as well as how we can best continue to support the Christian Education of our children. Many thanks to the teachers who continue to do an outstanding job!
Adult Forum took a brief break for the past few weeks. We are working to create new discussion topics. In the meantime, please join us for Café Zion between services at the CEB.
Funds for our 300th Anniversary celebration project – Planting 2 Trees – is continuing to build. In this project, we will plant a tree here at the Christian Education Building and a second tree will be planted in Wittenberg, Germany in the Luther Memorial Garden. Thanks to the Sunday school families for their generous donations on Sunday mornings. We will continue to use the offering from Sunday School to reach out goal of $1,300 and 2 trees!
After Family Worship on February 9 at the CEB, we will be making valentines for the Matheny School residents. Please mark those calendars!
Adult Forum took a brief break for the past few weeks. We are working to create new discussion topics. In the meantime, please join us for Café Zion between services at the CEB.
Funds for our 300th Anniversary celebration project – Planting 2 Trees – is continuing to build. In this project, we will plant a tree here at the Christian Education Building and a second tree will be planted in Wittenberg, Germany in the Luther Memorial Garden. Thanks to the Sunday school families for their generous donations on Sunday mornings. We will continue to use the offering from Sunday School to reach out goal of $1,300 and 2 trees!
After Family Worship on February 9 at the CEB, we will be making valentines for the Matheny School residents. Please mark those calendars!
Doing God's Work
The Zion family is a key part of the Faith Kitchen program in Dover, NJ. Faith Kitchen is a great way to do God’s work by providing a healthy meal to those less fortunate in this community in Morris County. The first Thursday of every month is Zion’s opportunity to give back to our less fortunate brethren. If you have the opportunity to give of yourself for a morning to join Zion’s crew to cook and serve a meal, I promise that you will walk away with a great feeling having done God’s work. As Vice President of Faith Kitchen, I welcome you to help out any way you can. One of the most popular things at Faith Kitchen is coffee and for some of the people that we see every day it may be the only hot beverage that they get that day. We are now in our coffee drive at Zion, so please take advantage by donating to help us reach our goal of 100 pounds.
Celebrate 300
After listening to Pastor’s sermon this Sunday, his words of “Invitation, Participation, Celebration” resounded with what I have been doing for the past several years---getting ready for Zion’s 300th anniversary. While many things have already been done, and many more are underway, there are still a few areas that need help. So, I am sending out this list of our needs and issuing the invitation for your participation which will help in our celebration!
1. On May 30-31, Zion will attend the annual New Jersey Synod Assembly, and with our anniversary, we have the chance to host a table display. We need a volunteer to lead this project: decide what will be displayed, come to the Assembly, and host the table.
2. On October 26, we will have our grand celebration with the ELCA Bishop visiting. We also have a banquet scheduled at the Grand Colonial in Union Township. We have Gerry Dehkes taking care of the Bishop and her needs, Joann Donnelly and Joanne Rupp planning the banquet, and John Rustwick working on part of the program, but we really could use a volunteer who would be the ‘overall celebration leader’ for this event.
3. We are working on a fun project called “Remembrances of Zion.” Frank and Angela Sztuk are leading this undertaking with our elder members who will be videotaped as they relate stories of Oldwick and Zion from their memories. We have already asked a few people to participate, but if you would like to also share your stories, we would love to include you.
4. For our Anniversary Sunday, August 3, we would like to create a commemorative booklet, which might detail some of our history, include some pictures, have a list of pastors, etc. While the church office will help put this together, we need someone to volunteer to create the content for the booklet.
5. As you may know, there is a lot of work being done at the Parsonage including a new roof, new siding, new windows, insulation, and new trees to replace the ones destroyed by Superstorm Sandy. Although it has been ‘home’ for Pastor and Bonnie all these years, for many of Zion’s members, the Parsonage is unknown. To help share the history and beauty of our refurbished property, we would like to host a Parsonage Day when we will dedicate the new trees being planted and open the parsonage for tours. We need a volunteer to coordinate this with Pastor and Bonnie, plan publicity and refreshments.
6. Last, but not least, we would really like to have a new 2014 church pictorial directory that would showcase the members who were here for our 300th Anniversary. We need a volunteer to work with the church to contract with a photography company, schedule appointments for members to get their pictures taken, and oversee the picture-taking process.
We hope you will give some prayerful consideration regarding these opportunities to serve Zion. If you have any questions about any of these projects or would like to volunteer, call Judy Formalarie at 730-8375.
1. On May 30-31, Zion will attend the annual New Jersey Synod Assembly, and with our anniversary, we have the chance to host a table display. We need a volunteer to lead this project: decide what will be displayed, come to the Assembly, and host the table.
2. On October 26, we will have our grand celebration with the ELCA Bishop visiting. We also have a banquet scheduled at the Grand Colonial in Union Township. We have Gerry Dehkes taking care of the Bishop and her needs, Joann Donnelly and Joanne Rupp planning the banquet, and John Rustwick working on part of the program, but we really could use a volunteer who would be the ‘overall celebration leader’ for this event.
3. We are working on a fun project called “Remembrances of Zion.” Frank and Angela Sztuk are leading this undertaking with our elder members who will be videotaped as they relate stories of Oldwick and Zion from their memories. We have already asked a few people to participate, but if you would like to also share your stories, we would love to include you.
4. For our Anniversary Sunday, August 3, we would like to create a commemorative booklet, which might detail some of our history, include some pictures, have a list of pastors, etc. While the church office will help put this together, we need someone to volunteer to create the content for the booklet.
5. As you may know, there is a lot of work being done at the Parsonage including a new roof, new siding, new windows, insulation, and new trees to replace the ones destroyed by Superstorm Sandy. Although it has been ‘home’ for Pastor and Bonnie all these years, for many of Zion’s members, the Parsonage is unknown. To help share the history and beauty of our refurbished property, we would like to host a Parsonage Day when we will dedicate the new trees being planted and open the parsonage for tours. We need a volunteer to coordinate this with Pastor and Bonnie, plan publicity and refreshments.
6. Last, but not least, we would really like to have a new 2014 church pictorial directory that would showcase the members who were here for our 300th Anniversary. We need a volunteer to work with the church to contract with a photography company, schedule appointments for members to get their pictures taken, and oversee the picture-taking process.
We hope you will give some prayerful consideration regarding these opportunities to serve Zion. If you have any questions about any of these projects or would like to volunteer, call Judy Formalarie at 730-8375.
Finding Former Zion Members
We would like to invite former members of Zion to participate in our celebration. We can try to Google to find addresses, but it would be very helpful if anyone who is in contact with members from Zion’s past could pass contact information on to the church office. Please email those addresses to parishadministrator@zionoldwick.com or call Jenny in the office at 908.439.2040. Thank you.
Celebrate 300 Dates to Remember
Sunday, May 4 - Mission Sunday with NJ Synod Bishop Tracy Bartholomew. Worship and Luncheon.
Sunday, August 3 - Founders Day - This is our 300th Anniversary. Worship and Brunch.
Sunday, October 26 - Reformation Sunday with ELCA Bishop Elizabeth A. Eaton and the Celebration 300 Banquet at The Grand Colonial.
Please mark your calendars now!
Sunday, August 3 - Founders Day - This is our 300th Anniversary. Worship and Brunch.
Sunday, October 26 - Reformation Sunday with ELCA Bishop Elizabeth A. Eaton and the Celebration 300 Banquet at The Grand Colonial.
Please mark your calendars now!
Parish Life
South of the Border Party!
If you have had enough of this frigid weather and would like to experience the warmth of sunny Mexico, come to the South of the Border Mexican Party! The fiesta will take place on Saturday, February 22 at the home of Bob and Zaida Durham, 7 Conover Dr. Whitehouse Station and will start at 7:00 pm. Please bring your favorite Mexican appetizer or dessert and $10 per person to cover the beverage and party costs. Look for the party sign up list in the church narthex. Come and enjoy the spirit of Mexico with your amigos from Zion. Hope to see you there!
If you have had enough of this frigid weather and would like to experience the warmth of sunny Mexico, come to the South of the Border Mexican Party! The fiesta will take place on Saturday, February 22 at the home of Bob and Zaida Durham, 7 Conover Dr. Whitehouse Station and will start at 7:00 pm. Please bring your favorite Mexican appetizer or dessert and $10 per person to cover the beverage and party costs. Look for the party sign up list in the church narthex. Come and enjoy the spirit of Mexico with your amigos from Zion. Hope to see you there!
Discipleship will be meeting again on February 27 at the CEB. Supper will be at 6:30 and the discussion will follow at 7:30. We will be talking about “Falling Upward,” the journey of faith for the second half of life. We would love to have you join us.
Lunch Bunch
Lunch Bunch will again be staying close to home. We are going to the Wunderbar, 454 Rt. 22, just west of Whitehouse Station on February 13 at noon.
Book of Faith
At noon on Wednesdays at the Christian Education Building, we will be continuing our exploration of the Gospel of John as part of the Book of Faith. If you cannot come on Wednesday to join the lively discussion, follow along on the Book of Faith blog at our website, zionoldwick.com. One way or another, join the conversation. You’ll be glad you did
Youth of Zion Calendar
February 9 – YOZ Meeting – CEB – 5:30-7:30
February 23 – YOZ Meeting – CEB – 5:30-7:30
February 23 – YOZ Meeting – CEB – 5:30-7:30
There will be no Wednesday Vespers services and soup suppers during the months of January and February. Beginning March 12, there will be Lenten vespers and soup suppers.
Property by Joanne Rupp
Frozen Pipes
Many of you are aware that we have been having issues with frozen pipes in the church. This has been an issue since plumbing was installed in the church about 20 years ago. The Property Committee will be addressing this but the problem will not be solved in the very near future.
We have heard various ways to respond to this problem including not drinking coffee before worship. One could also carry a gallon of water to use to flush the toilet. Just know the Property Committee will try to solve this problem as soon as possible and in the meantime you can pray for warmer weather.
How Can I Help?
The Property Committee is always looking for help with maintaining our three properties. You don’t have to be a committee member but you just need some ability to fix, repair, paint, garden. Everything that we can do on our own without calling in a professional helps us save money. If you can help please let the office know, or contact Joanne Rupp.
Many of you are aware that we have been having issues with frozen pipes in the church. This has been an issue since plumbing was installed in the church about 20 years ago. The Property Committee will be addressing this but the problem will not be solved in the very near future.
We have heard various ways to respond to this problem including not drinking coffee before worship. One could also carry a gallon of water to use to flush the toilet. Just know the Property Committee will try to solve this problem as soon as possible and in the meantime you can pray for warmer weather.
How Can I Help?
The Property Committee is always looking for help with maintaining our three properties. You don’t have to be a committee member but you just need some ability to fix, repair, paint, garden. Everything that we can do on our own without calling in a professional helps us save money. If you can help please let the office know, or contact Joanne Rupp.
Invitation to Serve
Opportunity Contact
Family Promise Service (February 9-23) Bring Food
Eat Dinner with Guests
Stay Overnight
Bring Coffee for Faith Kitchen
Cook and Serve at Faith Kitchen (1st Thursday of the month)
Make Valentines for Matheny residents (February 9 after Family Worship)
Ongoing Property maintenance
Celebrate 300 Activity Leaders Synod Assembly Display Table (May 30-31)
Banquet Program Coordinator (October 26)
Anniversary Pamphlet
Parsonage Day Coordinator
Pictorial Directory Coordinator
Family Promise Service (February 9-23) Bring Food
Eat Dinner with Guests
Stay Overnight
Bring Coffee for Faith Kitchen
Cook and Serve at Faith Kitchen (1st Thursday of the month)
Make Valentines for Matheny residents (February 9 after Family Worship)
Ongoing Property maintenance
Celebrate 300 Activity Leaders Synod Assembly Display Table (May 30-31)
Banquet Program Coordinator (October 26)
Anniversary Pamphlet
Parsonage Day Coordinator
Pictorial Directory Coordinator
A Song from Pastor Summer
The King
The King came unexpected on a dark and holy night
With shepherds in the fields, they all were filled with fright
When the angels came in glory, proclaimed the newborn King
Peace to all the world, the angels they would sing
The world speaks of hatred
But the King tells us to love
In the world it’s signs of warfare
With the King, signs of the dove
In the world children suffer
In the kingdom children sing
So in this broken world
I’m listening to the King
The King he had no army yet people followed him
Healing bodies broken, forgiving people’s sin
He had no time for the rulers; with the poor he’d take his stand
To gather in the hurt and lost became his gracious plan
The King would be rejected by those who feared the truth
How could he be God’s son, they demanded proof
They brought him before Pilate, to sentence him to death
They thought his rule was over with his final breath
The King would wear a crown, though it was made of thorns
And on the cross he died amidst the cries of scorn
But the King would rise on Easter and he will come again
For his kingdom is eternal and his grace will never end
Have a blessed New Year!
Pastor Summer
The King came unexpected on a dark and holy night
With shepherds in the fields, they all were filled with fright
When the angels came in glory, proclaimed the newborn King
Peace to all the world, the angels they would sing
The world speaks of hatred
But the King tells us to love
In the world it’s signs of warfare
With the King, signs of the dove
In the world children suffer
In the kingdom children sing
So in this broken world
I’m listening to the King
The King he had no army yet people followed him
Healing bodies broken, forgiving people’s sin
He had no time for the rulers; with the poor he’d take his stand
To gather in the hurt and lost became his gracious plan
The King would be rejected by those who feared the truth
How could he be God’s son, they demanded proof
They brought him before Pilate, to sentence him to death
They thought his rule was over with his final breath
The King would wear a crown, though it was made of thorns
And on the cross he died amidst the cries of scorn
But the King would rise on Easter and he will come again
For his kingdom is eternal and his grace will never end
Have a blessed New Year!
Pastor Summer
Thank You!
One of the lovely traditions at Zion is the Pastor’s Purse at Christmas. I continue to be overwhelmed by your generosity as a congregation to Bonnie and me. This year I was again moved as Ron Rupp presented your gift. I count myself blessed and am deeply grateful. Bonnie and I will put the money to good use. We also want people to know that we appreciate the other presents, cards, and baked items we received. Bonnie and I continue to be grateful for the love and support we receive from all of you. I look forward to our ministry together in the 2014. May God continue to bless our work and life together.
With Deepest Thanks,
Pastor Summer
With Deepest Thanks,
Pastor Summer
A Letter from the President of the Congregation
Dear Zion Members,
The 2014 Annual Congregational Meeting will be held on Sunday, January 26, 2014 between the worship services beginning at 9:45 am in the church sanctuary. In order to conduct Zion's business, we need a quorum of 44 voting members, so it is important that you plan to attend. In addition to reviewing the current financial position and the 2013 Annual report, we will update you on the progress being made by the Ministry Task Force and the progress with the Parsonage renovation. Please plan to attend the January meeting.
Zion needs your help in 2014
Nominating Committee
Each year in January, a Nominating Committee is elected by the congregation during the January Annual Congregational Meeting. This committee will be charged with securing members to fill the anticipated open 2015 Church Council positions.
Audit Committee
The Church Council and the Finance Committee are seeking members who would be interested in volunteering to serve on the Audit Committee. The job of this committee is to review and audit Zion's financial records.
If you are able to serve Zion on either of these two committees, please talk with Pastor Summer, Linda Lovas or myself.
I look forward to "Celebrating 300" with you in this historic year.
Ron Rupp
The 2014 Annual Congregational Meeting will be held on Sunday, January 26, 2014 between the worship services beginning at 9:45 am in the church sanctuary. In order to conduct Zion's business, we need a quorum of 44 voting members, so it is important that you plan to attend. In addition to reviewing the current financial position and the 2013 Annual report, we will update you on the progress being made by the Ministry Task Force and the progress with the Parsonage renovation. Please plan to attend the January meeting.
Zion needs your help in 2014
Nominating Committee
Each year in January, a Nominating Committee is elected by the congregation during the January Annual Congregational Meeting. This committee will be charged with securing members to fill the anticipated open 2015 Church Council positions.
Audit Committee
The Church Council and the Finance Committee are seeking members who would be interested in volunteering to serve on the Audit Committee. The job of this committee is to review and audit Zion's financial records.
If you are able to serve Zion on either of these two committees, please talk with Pastor Summer, Linda Lovas or myself.
I look forward to "Celebrating 300" with you in this historic year.
Ron Rupp
Living Stewardship - First Fruits
It’s January! The first month of 2014, but more importantly, the first month of Zion’s 300th Anniversary year. During this year I’d like to talk about the principles of Stewardship and what better time than January to talk about First Fruits. The idea of First Fruit Giving is that God has given us everything – our lives, our abilities, our well-being – and we should return a portion of those gifts to him with thankful and cheerful hearts (well, this last part will be a separate article). And we don’t give God our leftovers; we give him the best, first returns of our time, our abilities, our resources.
Two months ago we made financial pledges to the church for this new year and many of us chose to increase our 2014 giving by $300 in celebration of our anniversary. This morning I added an additional $300 to my January offering check and I challenge you to do the same. Be a First Fruit Giver. Make one of the first checks you write this year be to Zion and make it your $300 birthday gift.
In addition, January is the time many of us make decisions – resolutions - as to how we will spend our energies during the coming year. We choose to better ourselves through exercise, diet, learning. We vow to spend more time with our families. Again, my challenge to you is to not give the church the dregs of your time and energy. Let your service to God through the church be at the top of your list of priorities this year. When someone asks you to help out, say “yes,” but don’t wait to be asked. Volunteer to work at Faith Kitchen, sing in the choir, teach a VBS class. You know where you are needed! Believe me when I say you will never regret putting God first!
Two months ago we made financial pledges to the church for this new year and many of us chose to increase our 2014 giving by $300 in celebration of our anniversary. This morning I added an additional $300 to my January offering check and I challenge you to do the same. Be a First Fruit Giver. Make one of the first checks you write this year be to Zion and make it your $300 birthday gift.
In addition, January is the time many of us make decisions – resolutions - as to how we will spend our energies during the coming year. We choose to better ourselves through exercise, diet, learning. We vow to spend more time with our families. Again, my challenge to you is to not give the church the dregs of your time and energy. Let your service to God through the church be at the top of your list of priorities this year. When someone asks you to help out, say “yes,” but don’t wait to be asked. Volunteer to work at Faith Kitchen, sing in the choir, teach a VBS class. You know where you are needed! Believe me when I say you will never regret putting God first!
Social Ministry
Alternative Giving
Thank you to everyone who donated to this year’s Alternative Giving. Zion will be contributing $1200 to the charities. The distribution is as follows:
Antler Ridge Wildlife Sanctuary $130
ELCA’s Good Gifts Vaccines $240
Homes for Our Troops $340
Autism New Jersey $490
Senior Baskets
Thank you to everyone who donated items for Senior Baskets. We were able to assemble and deliver 100 baskets to Open Cupboard and Flemington food pantries. We received a thank you note from one of the basket recipients who said she felt “like a kid” as she sorted through all the goodies in the bag.
Coffee for Faith Kitchen in Dover
Faith Kitchen is a safe place where people come not only for a meal but also for encouragement and support. Everyday Faith Kitchen serves a meal to anyone who needs or wants one. In 2012 they served a total of 32,332 meals, which means on average 83 people a day came through their doors. Accompanying those thousands of meals were cups of coffee. That is a lot of coffee! Starting January through the month of February we will be collecting coffee for Faith Kitchen in Dover. Once again the challenge is to donate 100 pounds of coffee. Last year we collected 115 pounds, let’s try and match that. You can drop off your coffee donation in the narthex or the lobby of the CEB. Thank you.
Mark Your Calendars our IHN Guests are Coming!
Our IHN (Interfaith Hospitality/Family Promise) guests will be arriving to Zion on February 9 and staying with us until February 23. If your New Year’s resolution was to get more involved or try something new, this is the perfect opportunity. We will have openings for people to prepare meals for our guests, sleep over, and socialize. If you have any questions about IHN please call Kay Beagle or Linda Held.
Thank you to everyone who donated to this year’s Alternative Giving. Zion will be contributing $1200 to the charities. The distribution is as follows:
Antler Ridge Wildlife Sanctuary $130
ELCA’s Good Gifts Vaccines $240
Homes for Our Troops $340
Autism New Jersey $490
Senior Baskets
Thank you to everyone who donated items for Senior Baskets. We were able to assemble and deliver 100 baskets to Open Cupboard and Flemington food pantries. We received a thank you note from one of the basket recipients who said she felt “like a kid” as she sorted through all the goodies in the bag.
Coffee for Faith Kitchen in Dover
Faith Kitchen is a safe place where people come not only for a meal but also for encouragement and support. Everyday Faith Kitchen serves a meal to anyone who needs or wants one. In 2012 they served a total of 32,332 meals, which means on average 83 people a day came through their doors. Accompanying those thousands of meals were cups of coffee. That is a lot of coffee! Starting January through the month of February we will be collecting coffee for Faith Kitchen in Dover. Once again the challenge is to donate 100 pounds of coffee. Last year we collected 115 pounds, let’s try and match that. You can drop off your coffee donation in the narthex or the lobby of the CEB. Thank you.
Mark Your Calendars our IHN Guests are Coming!
Our IHN (Interfaith Hospitality/Family Promise) guests will be arriving to Zion on February 9 and staying with us until February 23. If your New Year’s resolution was to get more involved or try something new, this is the perfect opportunity. We will have openings for people to prepare meals for our guests, sleep over, and socialize. If you have any questions about IHN please call Kay Beagle or Linda Held.
Parish Life
Advent Parish Night
We had another great night of crafts, dinner, and singing. Close to 100 people showed up, despite the weather, to share in the fun. Kay Beagle and Jen Dalgauer did a wonderful job of creating and organizing the crafting (I love my etched glass votive holder!). Margot Foster set the mood with her lovely flute playing during dinner, and Pastor led us in rousing renditions of our favorite Christmas carols. I would like to thank them and everyone else who helped to make the evening a success (setting up, teaching the crafts, delicious food contributions, clean up, dish washing).
South of the Border Party
If you are in need of a little warmth and sunshine at this time of year but aren't planning on a Mexican vacation in the near future, come to the next best thing, a South of the Border Party! On Saturday, February 22, we will be able to enjoy a bit of sunny Mexico through food, drink and amigos at the home of Zaida and Bob Durham starting at 7:00 pm. Please bring an appetizer or a dessert. Sombreros are optional. Look for the sign up list in the narthex. Ole!
We had another great night of crafts, dinner, and singing. Close to 100 people showed up, despite the weather, to share in the fun. Kay Beagle and Jen Dalgauer did a wonderful job of creating and organizing the crafting (I love my etched glass votive holder!). Margot Foster set the mood with her lovely flute playing during dinner, and Pastor led us in rousing renditions of our favorite Christmas carols. I would like to thank them and everyone else who helped to make the evening a success (setting up, teaching the crafts, delicious food contributions, clean up, dish washing).
South of the Border Party
If you are in need of a little warmth and sunshine at this time of year but aren't planning on a Mexican vacation in the near future, come to the next best thing, a South of the Border Party! On Saturday, February 22, we will be able to enjoy a bit of sunny Mexico through food, drink and amigos at the home of Zaida and Bob Durham starting at 7:00 pm. Please bring an appetizer or a dessert. Sombreros are optional. Look for the sign up list in the narthex. Ole!
Vesper Schedule Change
There will be no Wednesday Vespers services and soup suppers during the months of January and February. Beginning March 12, there will be Lenten vespers and soup suppers.
Youth of Zion Calendar
January 7 Matheny Chapel 6:30-8:00
January 12 YOZ Meeting CEB 5:30-7:30
January 26 YOZ Meeting CEB 5:30-7:30
January 12 YOZ Meeting CEB 5:30-7:30
January 26 YOZ Meeting CEB 5:30-7:30
Lunch Bunch
Lunch Bunch will be staying close to home. We are going to the Tewksbury Inn in Oldwick on January 9 at noon.
Discipleship will be meeting again on January 30. We will be learning about the early history of Zion. We would love to have you join us.
Women of Zion
We’ll be taking a weather break for the months of January and February with activities to resume in the Spring. Please hold these dates. Contact Anita Zarate with any questions.
Thursday, March 20, 6:30 pm
Spring Dinner at Stony Brook Grill
Saturday, April 5, 8:30 am to 3:00 pm
Women’s Retreat led by Pastor Dale Selover
Thursday, March 20, 6:30 pm
Spring Dinner at Stony Brook Grill
Saturday, April 5, 8:30 am to 3:00 pm
Women’s Retreat led by Pastor Dale Selover
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