A Message from Pastor Summer

“Leaving our nets and following Jesus” was the theme of my sermon on January 25, the Sunday of our congregational meeting. There are times when I feel especially moved by God when preaching and that Sunday was one of those times. The council retreat had just ended on Saturday and I was excited about the conversation. I always leave space in my sermon after the council retreat to include, in some way, what happened. This year, our retreat had my sermon preaching itself. With the snow falling at Cross Roads, the council gathered to discuss the challenges facing the church-at-large and Zion in particular. The times have changed. The church is no longer at the center of our culture, our communities, or even our families. We live in an increasingly secular and unchurched world. Across all denominational lines, there has been a slow but steady decline in attendance, participation, and commitment. The question has become what does it mean to be the church in our day and age? At the retreat, we talked about the need for a Pentecost, the coming of the Spirit. The good news is that the Spirit has already been sent into the life of the church and into our own lives. The issue is be open to what the Spirit is saying, courageous enough to follow that call, and patient enough to let God’s purpose unfold. As we talked at the retreat, we channeled Bishop Eaton’s sermon at Reformation as she called us to remember that we are so loved by God that we’re not afraid to fail. As we face the challenges before us, we will need to be open to different ideas. We will travel new roads. We will be asked to leave what is known and comfortable. Like the disciples of old, we will need to leave our nets to follow Jesus.
With open hearts and minds, the council embraced that idea. The idea can be a little scary, but we were not detoured as a council and were soon off and running. Leaving our nets, we talked about Heart for Africa as our new focus for outreach in the world. Heart for Africa is a non-denominational effort in Swaziland, Africa, addressing the critical needs of orphaned children left behind because of the devastation of AIDS. We talked about finding ways to partner as we did with Oasis Village. The door is open to filling containers again, writing cards and letters, opening up communication, and even sending our own mission teams. Beyond Heart for Africa, we left our nets and talked about social media as a real and needed part of our work and witness. If people are not coming to us, how do we bring the good news to them? How can we build community and relationships through social media? How can we have people support and participate in our ministry? Social media is the communication tool of our times; how can we, as the church, be in the conversation? For the sake of Christ, we have something important to say, but our message is not being heard. Social media provides that opportunity. Leaving our nets, we talked about engaging the community in a community-wide garage sale to raise money and awareness for Family Promise. Zion is seen as the community church. How can we build on that connection? How can we invite participation? We have already left our nets as we added staff this year. We talked about Kathryn Schaefer, our new Director of Youth and Family Ministry, as someone who will help us step out in our ministry as a congregation. She brings a new set of eyes and a passion for the work we are called to do. The retreat only added to her excitement. Finally, we really left our nets and talked about what happens on Sunday. We want everyone engaged, but not everyone is. How can we make that happen? Do we need to look at what we do in Sunday School? What about our worship services? We will always be a church of word and sacrament, but there is no set pattern. In what ways will we be leaving our nets in this area? As you can see, the conversation has begun.
As I preached on Sunday, leaving our nets is sometimes the hardest part of following Jesus. It’s not easy and I wouldn’t do it for just anyone. But, for the sake of Christ, I would; and, as a church, we will. May God continue to bless our ministry together!
Peace, Pastor Summer

Lenten Schedule

Imposition of Ashes
February 18
12 pm and 7:30 pm at the church

(7:30 pm service preceded by Soup Supper
at 6:30 pm at the Christian Education Building)

Communion Worship Services
February 22 – March 29
8:30 am and 11 am at the church

Family Worship Service
March 8
9:45 am at the Christian Education Building

Book of Faith – Lenten Bible Study
February 25 – April 1
12 noon at the Christian Education Building

Lenten Vespers
February 25 – March 25
7 pm at the Christian Education Building
(Preceded by Soup Supper at 6:00 pm)

Heart for Africa by Linda Held

Zion starts our 301st year “Connecting in Love” with a new ministry. Heart for Africa is a non-profit Christian charity that works alongside churches in Swaziland to provide care and hope to orphaned and vulnerable children in this small African nation devastated by the AIDS pandemic.
Here are some alarming facts about Swaziland:
*The country has a population of 950,000 down from 1.1 million a few years ago.
* It has the highest AIDS/HIV rate in the world at 44%
*The life expectancy is 29 years
*It is projected that by the year 2020 there will be no adults living in the country.
* It is estimated that there are more than 200,000 orphans living in Swaziland
*There are another 200,000 children who are vulnerable/at risk
*Unemployment is at 70%

Heart for Africa started Project Canaan, a 2,500-acre development designed to work alongside Africans in an effort to bring expertise, resources and hope to Swaziland. Project Canaan will provide training and employment, grow large amounts of food to stimulate the local economy and allow for export while supporting orphans and vulnerable children on the property and across the nation.
Project Canaan Farm (PCF) grows both outdoor and greenhouse crops, has a dairy farm, raises goats and chickens, and produces fruit wherever possible on the land. The proceeds from farming will be used to help Project Canaan be a sustainable community, as well as help support local churches and children across Swaziland.

Project Canaan Children (PCC) provides a safe haven for orphans and vulnerable children. Children’s homes and schools have been and will continue to be built to provide for the ever-growing number of orphans being left in the wake of the AIDS pandemic, PCC will provide the children with a chance to live and grow as well as be educated. This will help to break the cycle of ignorance and poverty in their generation.

As of January 2015 Heart for Africa has 85 abandoned/orphaned children living at Project Canaan and they employ over 220 people from the surrounding community. Each Swazi employed is responsible for feeding an average of 13 people at home, meaning that actually 2,860 people directly benefit from Project Canaan.

Heart for Africa receives a new baby on average every 12 days. If this continues they will have 260 children living on Project Canaan by the year 2020, so they must plan for housing, education, staffing, and food production for these increasing numbers. This is where Zion can help. Already Zion has provided funds to help get the chicken farm started. Our Vacation Bible School children raised over $1,000 to buy cinder blocks for the building of the toddler home. Zion’s Endowment Fund just purchased 3 sets of bunk beds for the toddler home. I look forward to helping Heart for Africa achieve their goal of being self-sufficient by the year 2020. But most of all I look forward to bring hope to orphaned and vulnerable children and the nation of Swaziland. For more information on Heart for Africa please visit www.heartforafrica.org

Social Ministry

Coffee Drive for Faith Kitchen Dover Continues Through February
So far we have already collected over 100 pounds of coffee during January. Let’s beat our donations from last year of 168 pounds! The need for meals and services at Faith Kitchen continues to grow with the most demand during the cold winter months. Faith Kitchen serves meals six days a week. Hot coffee is a welcome addition to those meals. Zion proudly sends a delegation on the first Thursday of each month to prepare and serve a nutritious meal for the hungry who come to Faith Kitchen Dover. Please support this worthy cause with a donation of coffee or by signing up to help prepare a meal. A volunteer will also be needed to transport the coffee at the end of the drive. Please let the office know if you are available to make this trip.
Family Promise
Once again Zion will be hosting families through Family Promise at the CEB during the first two weeks of March. Many volunteers will be needed to make these families welcome. There are many opportunities from preparing meals, eating with guests, staying overnight or just being there to visit, listen and perhaps play a few games with the children. We are attempting a new electronic signup tool this year. An email will follow with directions.
Giving Tree Thank You’s
Lovely hand written notes were received from recipients of the Giving Tree. Look for them displayed at the rear of the church.
Tag Sale to benefit Family Promise
Planning is underway for a town wide tag sale to promote community within the Village of Oldwick and raise funds for Family Promise. It is tentatively planned for the end of April. Look for more information in the next newsletter.

Lunch Bunch

Lunch Bunch will be on February 12 at noon. We will be going to Gladstone Tavern, 273 Main St. Gladstone 234-9055.

Book of Faith

This year, Book of Faith is studying Luther’s Large catechism as our Book of Faith. We are now discussing the Ten Commandments. We meet on Wednesday at noon at the CEB. Join us as the adventure continues!


Discipleship will be meeting on February 26 at the CEB with dinner at 6:30 and discussion at 7:30. Our focus will be the catechism and the Lord’s Prayer.


Vespers will return in Lent starting February 25. Worship will be at 7:00 preceded by a soup supper at 6:30. Ash Wednesday is on February 18.


There is good news to share! Kathleen Harris, now Pastor Harris, was ordained and installed on January 24 at Zion Lutheran Church in Egg Harbor, NJ. She was such a blessing to us while she was here at Zion. We pray for God’s blessings as she begins her new ministry.

Youth and Family Ministries Happenings by Kathryn Schaefer

I have so much enjoyed my first few weeks of being here at Zion and meeting everyone. I am looking forward to getting together with the families of the younger kids of the church and seeing where we can allow for growth together, whether that is events, devotionals, or wherever that conversation may take us. Thank you again for allowing me to be a part of this awesome place! I am looking forward to continuing to connect with you all and creating new conversations about church and possibilities.

After the council retreat and congregational meeting this past weekend I am very excited about the new ideas that came out of that. Specifically highlighting the use of social media in our church as a tool to engage members. Don’t forget to “like” the Zion Lutheran Church of Oldwick Facebook page, and for the Youth, “like” the YOZ Facebook page. I’m also feeling energized by the talk of what Sunday mornings could look like and our developing conversation on that topic. This is an exciting time to be a part of Zion!

Family Worship is on Sunday, February 8, at 9:45 am at the CEB. There will be a meeting for parents of all Sunday School and YOZ youth at 9:45 am on February 22 at the CEB. I am looking forward to meeting with all of you and listening to the ideas you might have on what Youth and Family Ministries should look like at Zion, as well as continuing to get to know you all.

Youth of Zion will meet this month on February 8 and 22 in the Great Room. Come hang out, play games, eat pizza and dig into the Word! We’ll be there from 6-8pm and everyone is asked to bring $5 for pizza. All 7th-12th graders are welcome!

On Sundays that we don’t have youth group (every other week), all 7th-12th graders are invited to stop by my office for a few hours and come say HI! Starting on Sunday, February 15, come to the CEB anytime between 4-7 and have some hot chocolate or coffee, do your homework, or just stop by and hang out! If you have any questions, shoot me a text or an email

Calling all Middle Schoolers! On April 24-25, Cross Roads is having a Middle School Retreat. Come to camp and meet new friends, learn new things and play some awesome games! The cost is $95. Learn more about the weekend and register at www.CrossRoadsRetreat.com.


Anyone who has received a Prayer Shawl will know just how comforting and uplifting one can be. These were started by Janet Bristow and Victoria Galo in Connecticut in 1998 as a result of their experience at the Women’s Leadership Institute at the Hartford Seminary. Blessings are knitted into each shawl. Many have benefited by their warmth and love. At this time we are in need of knitters. If you are willing, instructions are provided on the website – www.shawlministry.com or contact Rosi Delia for more information. Thank you.