A Message from Pastor Summer

We have now entered the season of Epiphany.  The season begins with our celebrating the coming the Kings (Wise Men) to see the Christ child.  They bring with them their gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.  For many of us, we grew up with the vision of the Kings arriving at the same time as the shepherds.  Our crèche scenes have everyone gathered around the baby Jesus in the manger.  According to the Gospel of Matthew, the truth appears to be quite different.  Yes, the star appeared in the sky with the birth of Jesus, but it would take the Kings years to find him.  It was a long and difficult journey.  Jesus would have been a young boy living with his parents in Nazareth when they arrived.  We tend to collapse the time when we tell the Christmas story because we love the image of everyone around the manger proclaiming the truth that Jesus came to save everyone, both shepherds and kings.  The wonderful truth is that Jesus is the savior of the world.

I love that image, but I also love the image of the Kings traveling for years to find Jesus.  Their willingness to continue to search, persevere, and wait in hope.  We live in times when we want instant answers and instant gratification.  I love the idea of people holding on to a hope (the sign of the star) and being willing to commit themselves to holding on to that hope and to following wherever that hope (that star) takes them.  In our times, we tend to be impatient.  We cannot wait.  We count the cost.  We will stop before the journey's end and declare our hope was in vain.  My prayer is that we embrace the faithfulness of the Kings.  I prayer that we be willing to live and serve in hope.  I prayer that we be willing to follow stars, no matter what the journey, trusting that God leads the way and we will arrive where we need to be. 

Social Ministry Update by Rebecca Melick

Coffee Drive for Faith Kitchen
It's time for the annual coffee drive to support our ministry at Faith Kitchen.  Our goal is to collect over 100 pounds of coffee to be delivered to the soup kitchen in Dover to supplement mid day meals that are prepared six days per week.  Please add to your shopping list, pick up whatever is on sale for collection in the narthex during January and February.
Feed My Starving Children - Save the date: Friday and Saturday, April 1st and 2nd.
The excitement is building!  During January an electronic invitation will go out to the congregation to help fill volunteer positions for staff check in, forklift operators, hospitality and up to 20 people may be needed for initial set up and clean up   before and after the event.  FMSC will determine the exact hours and shifts for our event and open online registration 6 to 8 weeks prior.  Registration will then be open  through their website, www.fmsc.org .  Please pass the word along to friends and neighbors to help us pack 100,000 meals for starving children around the world!      

The Worship & Music Committee says Thank You -- by Joanne Rupp

When there is a task that needs doing there is always the worry - will people show up to help.  Well, there was no need to   worry and the Worship and Music Committee would like to say thank you.

December started with the yearly cleaning of the globes on the chandeliers in the church.  Bill Wallace has no fear of heights and climbed that tall ladder to send the globes down to the ladies who washed, dried and sent them back up.  Ted Jermansen took one look at the dirty windows on the south side of the sanctuary and headed home to get his window washing equipment.  Thanks to everyone who helped in getting the church neat and clean on Work Day.

Two weeks later it was time to decorate for Christmas.  Again, no need to worry.  Lots of people showed up and the church was fully decorated in just over two hours.  A special shout out to three people, Harold Wrede, Peter Melick and Betty Lanka.

Harold investigated whether we could return to having a real Christmas tree.  The answer was yes and Harold devised a system to keep the tree watered (one of the requirements).  When the 15 foot tree was chosen at a tree farm in Bethlehem Township the question was, “How to get the tree to Oldwick?”.  Thank you to Peter for picking up the tree (and disposing of it).  And Betty is the person who knows everything there is to know about what is entailed in decorating (and washing globes).  Betty is in charge of the Altar Guild and is extremely contentious about making sure everything is “just right”.  When she asks for volunteers, please say yes!

Two weeks and one day after the church was decorated came the task of taking everything down.  Once again there was an outpouring of help following the 11am service.  Christmas was put away in one hour. 

Thank you to everyone who helped and may this willingness to help continue through 2016.  Many hands make light work.   And it was fun.

Church Nursery!

There has been interest is starting a nursery again during worship on Sundays.  For people who are interested, there will be a sign-up sheet at both the church and CEB.  The idea is to have parents rotate as nursery providers.  Of course, if there are others who would like to watch the children, you can certainly be added to the list. 

Lunch Bunch -- January 14

The Lunch Bunch will be meeting on January 14 at noon.  We will be going to La Casa Bianca, 144 Main Street, Whitehouse Station.  The phone number is 908-534-8384.  Join the fellowship.  We’re looking for you!

Book of Faith -- Every Wednesday at noon at the CEB

The Book of Faith will be continuing our discussion of the book of James on Wednesdays at noon at the CEB.  This book has always troubled Lutherans, but there is much we need to hear.  Come join the conversation.  You won’t be disappointed.  The adventure continues! 

Vespers -- Every Thursday evening at the Christian Education Building

Vespers continues in the New Year.  There is a Soup Supper at the CEB at 6:00 followed by Vespers at 7:00.  This worship experience has been deeply meaningful to many people.  We will be having Vespers through January.  Please join us!

Discipleship Group: The Popes from 1000 AD to 1400 AD – January 28

Join us at Discipleship.  Discipleship will be on January 28 at 7:30 following Vespers at the Christian Education Building.  People will gather for a soup supper at 6:00.  Vespers will be at 7:00.   We have been discussing the early church and the emergence of the Pope.  We will continue that conversation from 1000 AD to 1400 AD.  In other words, we will look at the church prior to the Reformation.  Everyone is invited to come.  We always enjoy new people.  Remember, you do not have to commit to the whole year.  You can drop in any time and find a warm welcome, delicious food, and great discussion.  We hope to see you the next time we meet, January 28.