Social Ministry Update by Rebecca Melick
Coffee Drive for Faith Kitchen
Thank you to everyone who brought in cans for our coffee drive. Zion collected 191 pounds this year, exceeding our collection from 2015! This coffee will be delivered to Faith Kitchen in March when our volunteers go to prepare a meal for the hungry in Dover.
Feed My Starving Children
It’s hard to believe, but all of our spots are now reserved to pack 100,000 meals for children in need around the world. There are still plenty of volunteer spots let to help set up and clean up for the event, as well as registration, hospitality and fork lift operation. If there are any Zion members that have not registered to pack meals but would like to, please contact Rebecca Melick (908)229-3744, to be added to the wait list.
Family Promise
Thank you to all of the volunteers who prepared meals and visited with our guests in February: Stacy & Todd Rothermel, Christine Scarloss, Sue Swanson, Patricia & Justin Craig, Kay Beagle, Betty Lanka, Sandy Matsen, Linda Lovas, Angela Sztuk, Linda Held, Wendy Minerowicz, Robbin Lamo, Kathy Lundari, Nancy Neuweiler, Kelli Harris, Lindsay McDonald, Jann McAleer, Judy & David Formalarie, Brooke Schumann, Pastor Summer, John Rustwick, Barbara Surhoff, Linda Peters, Peggy Eppley, Elizabeth and David Blackwood and Kristina Maiwaldt. A special thanks to the members of the Social Ministry Committee who spent countless hours to make this hosting event a success. It is personally rewarding to see the families move out of the program to their new lives in permanent housing. However, there are always more who need the services of this important program, the only shelter that offers housing to families with children in Hunterdon County.