A Message from Pastor Summer -- January 2017

It’s two days before Christmas and I finally finished my Christmas cards.  Every year I promise myself that I will not wait so long, and every year I find myself coming down to the wire.  The good news is that the cards are on the way.  They are bound for Oregon, Florida, Minnesota, Colorado,  Maryland, Vermont, and a whole host of other destinations.  As I send out my Christmas cards, I realize the distance and separateness of our lives.  My friends and family are scatted to the four winds it seems.  I also realize, as I send these Christmas cards, my need to be connected, or sometimes reconnected, with those I love.  Distance and separateness doesn’t ever change that need. 

One of the joys of Christmas is that it is a time of connection, or better re-connection.  As the scriptures make clear, God sent his Son to bridge the distance between Himself and the people He loved.  God sent his Son because we are disconnected in so many ways.  The news reminds us daily of that deep disconnection.  The Good News is that God’s gift, Jesus’ living and dying, connected us again with God and has empowered us to connect and reconnect with those around us.  Not only our family and friends, but with everyone we meet, with every child of God.  Connecting is the work of the Gospel.

May God bless you and the ones you love this holy and joyous season, the celebration of connections and re-connections in and through God’s gift of love.  And may we, as we enter a new year, be about the business of connecting in a disconnected world. 

Pastor Summer

December Council Highlights

· A finalized draft of the 2017 budget was presented to the Council for review.  The budget will come before the congregation for approval at the January 29th annual meeting.

· Mike Mikitiuk, Joanne Rupp and Ron Rupp are completing their terms on Council at the end of 2016.  Three new members will be needed to fill the positions vacated by Mike, Joanne and Ron.  Judy Formalarie will be the new Council President and Todd Rothermel will serve as Vice President.
· Pastor Summer reflected on his conference experience in Atlanta. He said that his training to become a certified coach was very beneficial and when completed he sees it to be another important part of his ministry.

· Pastor Summer, Judy Formalarie, and Bob Durham met with a potential candidate for the Director of Youth and Family Ministries position.  They were very impressed with the candidate and intend to invite him to the next Council meeting on January 12th and the Annual Congregational Meeting on January 29th .

· A request was made by the Tewksbury Historical Society to have their Art Show at the CEB on the dates of September 24 –October 7. 

· This month’s thanks go to:
* Kay Beagle and Jen Dalgauer for all their efforts in making Advent Parish Night a success.
* Meghan Stanski for making the delicious hazelnut torte for Pastor Summer’s birthday celebration at the Council meeting.
* Harold Wrede for figuring out the water system problem at the CEB and finding someone to take care of it.
* Rick Schroeder and the Finance committee for all their hard work on the proposed 2017 budget.
* Bob Durham for serving as Council President and Ron Rupp for serving as Vice President.
* Mike Mikitiuk, Joanne Rupp and Ron Rupp for their service on Council.
The next meeting of the Church Council will be on January 19th.

Council Retreat -- January 28th

The Church Council will have its annual retreat at Cross Roads Camp and Retreat Center on January 28th.  If you have any   issues you would like the Council to consider, please contact Pastor Summer, Judy Formalarie (Council President), or Todd Rothermel (Council Vice President).  Thank you.

Annual Meeting and Potluck Luncheon -- January 29th

The 2017 Annual Congregational Meeting will be held on Sunday, January 29, 2017, at 11:00 a.m.  The meeting, followed by a potluck luncheon, will be held at the CEB.  On that day, there will be one worship   service at the church at 10:00 a.m.   The agenda for the  meeting will include approval of the 2016 Annual Report, the 2017 Proposed Budget and other pre-approved Council agenda items.  Any additional items to be considered at the Congregational Meeting must be submitted for Council  review and approval by its regular meeting on January 19, 2017.

REFLECTIONS ... by Joanne Rupp

Thank You Fire Marshall and Northern Lights Electric

It’s funny how things can fall between the cracks.  The “new” CEB is going to be 20 years old in September.  There are lots of things that need attention, not the least of which is the fire/emergency system.  In the past we have had Fire Marshalls who worried about stuffed animals being placed too close to the ceiling.  This year we had a Fire Marshall who was concerned with our emergency lighting and exit signs at the CEB.  It turns out we had emergency lighting with the original 20-year-old batteries (dead batteries that had corroded).  

We had a similar problem in the church.  We had exit signs that weren’t lighted. This is not good news right before Christmas.  We needed our electrician, Tony Leidner from Northern Lights Electric, to make haste and get some of the issues corrected before Christmas Eve.  Thanks to Tony, we are almost compliant.  He remarked how he used to deal with Glenn Beagle about our exit signs and lighting.  We need another Glenn to help us not let things fall between the cracks.  And we thank the Fire Marshall for watching out for us.

From the Endowment Committee

The Endowment Committee would like to thank everyone who gave to the Endowment Fund over the three Endowment Sundays and throughout the year in 2016.  There was a total of $7,093 in contributions. 

There is $19,554 from the Endowment Fund earnings available for new ministry opportunities in 2017.  In 2016, the Endowment Fund supported:

· The Good News Home for Women
· Lutheran Theological Seminary in Philadelphia
· Feed My Starving Children

The source of these grants has been established in the By Laws as 3% of the previous 3 years average.

The Endowment Fund only grows with contributions from members and friends of Zion. Supporting the Fund will provide   significant monetary grants for many new mission-oriented programs … forever.

Please contact any member of the Endowment Committee (Geof Close, Ted Jermansen and Rick Schroeder) if you have any questions!

Social Ministry update

Coffee Drive for Faith Kitchen
Once again during January and February, Zion will be collecting coffee to be served at Faith Kitchen.  Particularly during the winter months, a hot cup of coffee served with daily lunches is greatly appreciated by the 80 to 100 people who come to the Kitchen for a free lunch.  Fortunately, this is also a time when coffee is often on sale at our grocery stores.  If you are able,  please pick up some coffee on your next shopping trip.  We will be collecting them in the narthex at church and at the CEB.  Our goal is to collect over 200 pounds!
Thank You from the Social Ministry Committee
A big thanks to everyone who participated in our Christmas projects, especially those on the Social Ministry committee who worked so hard to make these projects happen.
The Giving Tree - 20 children currently or recently in the Family Promise Network received three gifts each from volunteers at Zion, helping to make the Christmas season a little merrier for those families.
Senior "Baskets" - Over 100 gift cards with Christmas cards decorated by the Sunday School children were delivered to the Clinton and Flemington food pantries for seniors in need.
Alternative Giving - Nearly $1400 was collected for our selected charities this year. $400 for ELCA honeybee  project, $410 for Market Street Mission, $335 for Puppies Behind Bars and $210 for Give Kids the World.

From the Shepherding Committee

Like to cook?  Want to share a meal?

There is a full-size freezer in the large storage closet to the left of the kitchen in the CEB, just waiting to be filled with meals that can be taken to those in need, those who are sick and unable to cook, or those who are shut-in and can use a helping hand with dinner.

Through a grant from Thrivent Financial, Zion was able to order containers, lids and labels to be used by anyone who would like to prepare a meal for the freezer.  There are a few different sizes of foil containers for larger and smaller meals, as well as some with dividers for an entree and side dishes.  There are also plastic containers and lids for soups or sauces.  All we need is for you to pick them up from the shelf in the closet, make a meal or two, label them, and bring them back to the freezer. 

The labels should have the following information:
· Name of the dish
· List of the ingredients
· Instructions for heating
· The date the meal was made

Then, what we need is for you to utilize this caring ministry by taking meals to people who you believe could benefit from them.  As simple as it seems, a warm meal can make a big difference.  Please help us reach out and connect with others through this ministry! 

If you have any questions, please contact Judy Formalarie or Jackie Snyder.

Vespers -- January 12 and 26

Vespers meets on the second and fourth Thursdays of the month.  This month, we gather on January 12th and 26th.  There is a Soup Supper at the CEB at 6 p.m. followed by   Vespers at 7 p.m.  This worship experience has been deeply meaningful to many people.  Please join us!

Lunch Bunch -- January 19

The Lunch Bunch will be meeting on January 19 at noon.  We will be going to   Fox Hollow Golf Club, 59 Fox Chase Run,  Branchburg, NJ.  The phone number is 526-0010.  Come join the fun.  We’re looking for you!

Book of Faith -- Noon on Wednesdays

The Book of Faith will continue exploring the Gospel of Matthew starting January 18.  We are just beginning Chapter 18.  We are discovering how Matthew tells the story of Jesus.  How is it he same as the other gospel writers?  How is it different?  What is Matthew’s witness?  Come join the conversation.  You won’t be disappointed.  The adventure continues! 

Discipleship -- January 26

Discipleship will be meeting again on January 26 at the CEB.  It will begin with Soup Supper at 6:00 followed by Vespers at 7:00 and discussion at 7:30.  The theme will be “Lutherans: 500th Anniversary”.  All are invited.  We would love to see you there!

Women of Zion

There will be no WOZ meetings in January and February.  There will be a March meeting, the      surprise subject to be announced.  Meanwhile,  may we all be blessed with a healthy and happy New Year!