
The Visitation Group is off to a great start with a very nice turnout at our initial meeting. We reviewed the purpose and scope of the new group. Our intent is to offer friendly visits to Zion members who may be in the hospital or in a similar situation, unable to attend Zion’s regular services. Pastor Summer has prepared the Visitation Program Resource Book, an excellent source for all of those interested in participating in this but unsure what exactly to do when you visit. Different types of visits were discussed so that we understand what everyone is comfortable providing. For instance, there are those comfortable providing hospital visits while others would prefer to visit our members at home. There may be those comfortable delivering flowers to members, while others may want to provide communion (as an extension of our regular service). The current group includes the following members: Anita Zarate, Rebecca Illnick, Sue Swanson, Kathy & John Rustwick, Judy & Bernard Davis, Peggy Eppley, Dorothy Saewert, Arlene Martin, Margot Forster, Elaine Jermansen, Debra Kaufman, Sandy Matsen, Judy Formalarie, Nancy Neuweiler, & Dan Matyola. If you would like to participate in the Visitation Program, please email Rosi Delia. If you have questions, please feel free to ask Pastor Summer or Rosi Delia. This is a new program so, don’t be surprised if you’re asked about a visit…giving or receiving. Thank you.

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