February Council highlights

· With assistance from Grace Snyder, Zion has ‘charged up’ our social media presence and Pastor Summer has begun to do Facebook Live on Tuesdays at noon.  It is being very well followed!
· After several meetings with a potential candidate, it was decided that the Director of Youth and Family Ministries position would be re-posted to seek new candidates.
· There are many new Parish Life events being planned for this year, beginning with Restaurant Rovers at the King Tut Restaurant on March 25th at 6:00.  Other events being finalized include “Kay Day” to honor Kay Beagle, mystery trips, and wine tastings.
· In the large CEB storage closet, there are meals in the freezer and prayer shawls in the plastic storage container! Please utilize them!  The Shepherding Committee will begin tracking how many are given out.
· There will be a ‘Simply Giving’ Temple Talk soon to explain the program to members.  We will also continue to investigate the possibility of receiving offerings by credit card and QR links.
· There will be a Work Day on April 8th at 9 a.m. to spruce up the church and CEB before Easter. Many hands make light work …please come!
· The Council approved the purchase of new choir robes, as the current ones are over 15 years old. The choir will continue to use the same stoles with their robes.
· Rick Schroeder has completed his work on analyzing the cost of using the CEB. This will help us as we move forward with generating more CEB usage.
· Zion will host a discussion on the use of employer matching funds for church mission projects.  In addition, we will have Thrivent come do a presentation between services.
· This month’s thanks go to:
* Harold Wrede who, through his determination and diligence, got the church a refund of almost $6,000 from American Power for their overcharges. He states that going back to JCP&L will also now save us thousands each year!
* Tiffany Shin for starting a new children’s choir.  The choir practices each Sunday at the CEB at 10:45.  All are welcome!
* Rick Schroeder for his detailed analysis of the CEB costs.
* All the volunteers who continue to make meals for the freezer.
* Grace Snyder for her assistance with Social Media
* And, from Pastor to all the Council members, for taking care of everything while he was out with his nasal surgery.
The next meeting of the Church Council will be on March 16th.  Meetings are open for all to attend.

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