Church Council Retreat

It doesn’t seem possible that January is over already! However, our Church Council took this month to review all of the accomplishments of Zion last year. We did a lot and we were excited about the resurgence of energy that grew last year. Looking towards 2018, we came up with another set of even higher goals. You will hear more about this in the months to come, but here are a few things you will be hearing about:

· Live streaming of the church service
· Better explanations in the bulletin of our church practices
· Mission trips to Puerto Rico
· New and improved website
· More options for giving besides just in the offering plate
· More activities for youth, and the start of a group for younger aged kids
· More outreach with email and Facebook newsletters describing all calendar events
· Renewed maintenance of membership reaching out to all
· The creation of a Job/Talent Directory
· More fellowship for all, while also adding targeted events such as things for moms or men
· The creation of a long-term spending plan

It was good to dream and think about all that Zion can do to impact our members, friends, community and the world. Feel free to reach out to any council member with your ideas or suggestions!

Committee assignments for 2018 were also made. We welcome your participation and involvement in any of these committees.

Christian Education- Meghan Stanski
Evangelism- Zaida Durham (liaison is Judy Formalarie)
Finance- Rick Schroeder (liaison is Todd Rothermel)
Parish Life- Bob Durham
Property- John McAleer
Shepherding- Rich Schumann
Social Ministry- Rebecca Melick
Stewardship- Todd Rothermel
Worship and Music- Joanne Rupp (liaison is Janet Hornich)

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