God's Work Our Hands -- September 10

On Sunday, September 10th, Zion will join ELCA congregations across the country in participating in “God’s Work.  Our Hands.”  The name of this day says it all.  The hands of Zion are going to be busy filling 500 school kits that will be distributed throughout the world. 

Imagine having to choose between a meal or purchasing a notebook. Project Promise School Kits are sent to places where even the few required school supplies may be more than a family can afford. Pencils and paper can help write a positive future.

Please join us at the CEB following the first Second Sunday Single Service and work the assembly line that will fill the backpacks with notebooks (2,000), pens and pencils (2,500 each) and crayons, pencil sharpeners, rulers and scissors (500 each).

We are filling 500 school kits in honor of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation.  That’s a lot of kits and that means there will be a lot of boxes that we will need to deliver to a church in Pennsylvania where they will then be brought by tractor trailer to Lutheran World Relief headquarters in Baltimore.  If you can help with this part of the project please let Jenny, Pastor Summer or Joanne Rupp know.

There will be a potluck lunch following…the sign up list is in the narthex or call the church office.

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