With God all things are possible! Even air conditioning in the church!?

After an unexpectedly hot and humid Sunday morning earlier this summer, the Council decided to move Sunday services to the air-conditioned CEB for the month of August.  Of course, since God has a sense of humor, subsequent Sundays have been nice and cool.  As we contemplated that move, some members questioned what it would take to provide air conditioning in the sanctuary.  I must confess that my immediate reaction was “What?  Impossible!”  Given the historic nature of the building and its construction it would seem to be a completely unreasonable request.  So, in an effort to work with facts instead of assumptions, the Property Committee obtained a budgetary estimate. The answer is YES, it is possible; there are even options.  A high-velocity flow system is typically used in historic structures as the visible vents are unobtrusive. Such a system with 72 small flush-mounted nozzles installed in the ceiling would cost approximately $210,000  plus perhaps $10,000 in electrical upgrades.  A second option would be a more conventional system with larger registers in the ceiling for perhaps half the cost of high-velocity.  After considering the expense, the Council decided to table any action and I was asked to report these results in this months’ newsletter.  Pastor Summer subsequently challenged our thinking in his sermon “With God All Things Are Possible!” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V7KlacOIBfE  Hmmmm?  Food for thought.

John McAleer
Chair – Property Committee

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